Monday, 29 July 2013

SKSE - Skyrim Script Extender

The next mod I have decided to cover is not your typical mod, rather a driver that enables you to use many mods that would be to far to complex to use normally. SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) is used to power many mods including SkyUI, RaceMenu and other mods I plan on covering. I probably should have probably reviewed it first, but yolo. (I'm kidding).

This mod is really just an alternate launcher, pretty straight forward. Just copy some files into your Skyrim folder, create a shortcut and you are ready to roll. Or if you are feeling particularly lazy you could even use the installer. 

Well, that's about it, nothing overly fancy or complex about SKSE, but it is such an important mod that living without it and the other mods it enables us to use is unimaginable.

I have decided that I should probably link stuff for convenience so here you go:

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