SkyUI is an essential to any skyrim gamer, (Sorry consolers) and is perhaps the most well known mod for skyrim. This mod drastically changes the interface/inventory of skyrim to a more user friendly, and aesthetically pleasing layout. Skyrim's default layout seems considerably underdeveloped and not thought out to well. An example of this is how the font size in the vanilla layout is a lot bigger than it needs to be. Add to this the unnecessary amount of scrolling to find one particular item and we can see how a mod like SkyUI is needed to make this game much more enjoyable.
The vanilla layout in all it's failed glory..

The much better, more useful SkyUI layout boasts tab-like categories and symbols beside the items name for easier selection and recognition. (Another thing fixed that annoyed many players, including myself, is not having the inventory behind the task bar at the bottom).

In addition SkyUI includes a better favourites section that goes so far as to allow you to create amour sets which enables you to equip multiple items at once.This mod also adds to the map system of Skyrim by including a search for places you have already visited, making adventuring in this game inexplicably easier.
In conclusion, I believe that this mod is vital to this game if you are looking to get a better interface and better overall experience out of Skyrim. Because of this, I highly recommend this mod to any Skyrim gamer.
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